Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hanna Expected To Turn To The Northwest

Earlier this evening, I received an email asking about Hanna:

"I have a wedding that's outdoors but with a contingency indoors that I'm not to thrilled about. Even less thrilled about Hanna. I'm a realist so I can handle bad news as long as I can make plans around them. I want the day to be special for my fiance. In turn I'm trying to gather as much info as I can."

This is definitely a tough call! Right now it is still too early to get down to specifics, but Hanna is definitely going to turn to the northwest in the next couple days. As you can see from the data below, forecasts are still in agreement about Hanna's turn to the northwest. However, the track still looks erratic after two days. Right now I'm leaving the chances for rain at only 50% for Friday and Saturday because of these inconsistencies.

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