Monday, July 6, 2009

Flurry Of Space Station Viewings This Week

After all the fireworks this weekend celebrating the 4th of July, I'm feeling a bit of light-show withdrawal. Just in time to satisfy that craving for more lights in the sky, the International Space Station is stepping up to provide a flurry of fly-bys over the next week!

The International Space Station will make multiple passes over Virginia this week with great viewing opportunities.
Tuesday night viewing opportunities are:
9:32-9:37 p.m. (look SW to ENE)
11:08-11:12 p.m. (look WNW to NNE, low on the horizon)

Here's a full list of Richmond Sighting Opportunities. The Space Station will look like a bright white dot, not shimmering or flashing like a star would, moving smoothly across the sky.

For viewing opportunities in other cities in Virginia, click here. Or, if you prefer to plot your location, you can use NASA's SkyWatch program here. It does require Java.

It does look like much of Central Virginia will have partly cloudy to mostly clear skies this week, so many folks should be able to catch at least one of the ISS fly-bys.

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